How Boring Task will lead to Success ?
Suddenly middle of office work felt bit tired and just looking for short term fresh up. Come across the article related to boredom and excitement. Felt like to share my view with you. Its really feel good with us when we share good though with others which will be helpful for their daily life.
When people start something new , they feel so much excitement and in that flow people start to celebrate. We can see many people start business by inviting many people and do pooja, party and treat. As the day goes that excitement will go down and boredom will arise.
Like wise, Eating Junk food is excitement but long term it will lead to an unhealthy.
Becoming the Membership of the Gem is excitement, But Going to Gem after 100 Days it will be boring. As going to gem, running treadmill daily and lifting the weight daily and repeating the same activity will lead to boring.
Watching Movie is excitement but doing something related to goodness in Boring. Going to shipping is excitement but calculating and planning the expenditure is boring.
For example when I started getting excitement about blogging, I Just went for the Premium domain name and paid for it. But as days goes that excitement went off and boredom started. Its leads to failure where i could not be consistency in it. So same way when you are feeling excitement about starting something, Please be careful, As this is the indication about about our path in wrong way.
Eating healthy daily and following fasting in a day is boring task but it will lead to success in long term.
Same in business in initial days, you can feel much excitement about working and you also can get better returns. But that return can be consistency when you do task repeatedly for long time consistency.
what makes that returns are doing consistency in effort. When you want to getting things done, then it will started boring.
Doing the activities long term will always people eel bore but actually who is doing that boring activity in long term only reaching the success.
“ Do the Boring Task again and again , That what will lead to long term happiness, satisfaction and achievement”
My commitment is to write daily 500 words daily , as this is one my boring task it mite lead to my happiness in long term.
Like to hear your your point of view also.